(Facebook and its status update system shows everybody's pictures and, well, I saw yours. I could change the settings but 1) I'm lazy and 2) it's sort of funny seeing your weird pics on my timeline)
You don't rock a hair like that! Go to the hairdresser N-O-W. Get a haircut! Hippie days are over, dude, please, pretty please, have your damn hair cut. Thank you very much.
And that's exactly why it wouldn't have worked out between us. I'm futile enough to care about your long hair even though we haven't spoken for ages. You used to be cute! Where did that guy who used to worry about stupid things like haircut go?
I think it's awesome that someone makes a choice in life and follows it through 'till the end. And, because of that choice, one changes everything around, just to go with the flow of that choice. You chose a horrible (lack of) haircut. That's great. I tell you, you'd never work in a company with that hair and goatee. Sorry, life's unfair and so is the corporate world. So what did you do? You, smartass, chose to be a scientist. Which means: the crazier-looking, the better. Congrats!
I wish I could say I'm drunk and that's why I posted this fucked-up text, but I'm not. Believe me, I wish you all the happiness in the world but your hair is something that my kindness and my sweetness simply don't accept!
I think I'm going to delete this post eventually but I'm the only one who reads this.