Last Sunday was more than special for me. My mother and my brother came to my house to have lunch and I cooked for them. It was me, my husband, a friend of us, my mom and my brother. I and my mother have had many problems throughout the past years. It was very difficult for me to understand her attitudes and it was very difficult for her to accept me the way I am. We've fought so much. After she told me the truth about my father - and the whole truth took two very painful years to come out completely - she changed. She's another person now. Of course I changed too. But the change in her is crystal clear. I'm proud of our relationship nowadays. I'm proud of my mother having had the courage to come clean and tell everyone in my family about my history, about my origins. I'm proud of having accepted her without judgements - that was certainly the most difficult part of it all. I love my mother and, most of all, I accept her the way she is. And I understand how difficult those years in secrecy must have been.
I cooked Moher's day lunch with all my heart. Main course, dessert and coffee cake - I put my heart in every dish. One of the things I love the most nowadays is to cook for the ones I love. My friends know that and take some advantage of it: there's always some friend asking me to cook something. And I do it, happily. Last Sunday's dessert however was my desire: blueberry cheesecake. Mini blueberry cheesecakes, to be more precise. And here it is the picture of my mouth-watering treat (no, I'm not humble when it comes to cooking):