domingo, 23 de março de 2008

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Page 179

What are you doing here? he wrote with his hands.
I felt suddenly shy. I was not used to shy. I was used to shame.
Shyness is when you turn your head away from something you want.
Shame is when you turn your head from something you do not want.
I know you are leaning, I said.
You have to go home, he wrote.
Ok, I said. I did not want to say what I needed to say.
Let me take you home.
No. I don't want to go home.
He wrote, You're being crazy. You're going to catch a cold.
I already have a cold.
You are going to catch a colder.
I could not believe he was making a joke. And i could not believe I laughed.

This is probably the best definition for shyness EVER. I have these shyness attacks sometimes and I think nobody notices because I'm usually very talkative, so who'd think that such a motor mouth would have shyness attacks? Well, I do. And I don't like them.

Changing the channel, I highly recommend "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer. Oskar Schell, a nine-year-old boy too much nerd to survive in school lost his father in the September 11th tragedy. One day he finds a key on his father's shelves and starts a quest for finding to whom that key belongs in an attempt to keep the memory of his father and also maybe finding out more things about his own past. All the boy's outsider feelings are there, as well as his struggle in (in? at? to? I'm lost) looking for the owner of the key and survive in a "fatherless" world. Beautiful, beautiful book.

7 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

I´m shy sometimes either. Don´t know if you notice, but when I talk to you in english putting my hand in my mouth, that´s because I´m shynly (??) of speaking.

This could be a post secret, huh? Hahahahaha...

Camila disse...

I can notice you're shy, darling... ;-)

You know, I always think of making up some postsecret and send it out to be uploaded in that amazing site. I'd say we could do one in class, but then wouldn't be a secret any longer.

Moanie Miss Groanie disse...

I don't understand!!!
I'm too immature!


Evolve Languages disse...

Moanie, distance sometimes is such a bless. Because I can tell you that maybe you're a bit more mature than you think you are and there's NO risk at all of you trying to strangle me. :-)

Clandestina disse...

This definition of yours "Shyness is when you turn your head away from something you want" is so damn true!
People usually say I'm not shy but thinking about this definition maybe I am.

Actually I think I learn to chat about anything for avoiding the annoying feeling of being shy.
Unfortunatelly nobody told me how to react in a situation which being shy is perfectelly normal, like in a date... =x

The Bloke disse...

motor mouth = windbag

Changing the channel = portuenglish.

'too much OF a nerd' or 'too nerdy'

comma after school.

'quest TO find to whom does that key belong to'

'and also maybe find out'

'all the boy's outside feelings'

'as well as his struggle to look for the owner of the key'

Thanks for passing on the recommendation! :-)

Camila disse...

Fe, "changing the channel" eu procurei num dicionário de expressões e existe. Tá lá, fio, no livro publicado.

E eu quis dizer OUTSIDER mesmo, porque o Oskar é um outsider.

E obrigada pelas correções!!! :-)